7 Days (film)

7 Days French Lesjours du talion, TheDays of Retaliation is a 2010 Canadian thriller film directed by Daniel Grou and starring Claude Legault. The screenplay was written by Patrick Sencal and based on his novel Les sept jours du talion.

Police detective Mercure Rmy Girard leads the investigation to discover Hamels whereabouts. Mercure himself suffered a personal tragedy when his wife was killed during a grocery store robbery. Though Mercure acknowledges that the imprisonment of his wifes killer has not made his life more bearable, he becomes determined to stop Hamel before he commits murder.Over the course of the seven days, Hamel brutally tortures Lemaire. Initially frightened and in incredible pain, Lemaire starts to accept his fate and mocks Hamel for not enjoying himself as he inflicts painful injuries on him. Lemaire eventually admits to raping and murdering Jasmine, along with three other girls. Hamel contacts a news station to have the families of Lemaires victims informed about his captives confession. When the mother of one of Lemaires victims disapproves of his actions, Hamel kidnaps her and forces her to see Lemaire. ........

Source: Wikipedia